Welcome back! We’ve been doing some behind the scenes looking at The Bridge from OneDayBow, and specifically it’s direct correlation to the Christian faith. Today I want to continue the discussion on spiritual warfare.
In the last blog I gave you some, but not all of the tactics of the enemy (satan) and his evil forces. His work is real, but since he is invisible we can’t visibly see him coming after us. So how does he work? There’s speculation over Satan’s effect on our minds, but since he’s called the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) he might very well use the air waves for his evil purposes. (Anyone who turns on the media knows that!)
When my thinking is messed up or my emotions are on edge, I can’t clearly know if it’s an enemy attack or the effects of the chocolate binge I had the night before. I generally don’t know if my difficulties are just “life” or menacing interference. I feel the conflict on the inside and may be tempted to make bad choices. It can feel like I’m fighting against myself, but it is my choice and responsibility to bring temptation under the authority of truth, regardless of inner conflict. That is an act of faith.
And then there are the circumstances around us that impact our internal stability. Think about Covid 19; masks, stay at home orders and Church closures – but don’t think for too long! I have my ideas about the whole thing, and you probably do too. These things have resulted in internal battles with frustration and fear, and some external ones with compliance and common sense!
How about riots and looting in the name of social or racial justice? Regardless of the news media’s slant, they are not peaceful protests and anyone who thinks they are is seriously deceived. And speaking of deception; reasonable thinking should conclude that the idea to riot and loot comes from the pit of hell and is fueled by personal greed. The people carrying it out are obviously willing participants, so regardless of deception’s role they bear the accountability. My battle as a Christian? To choose love and prayers rather than hatred and despair. These are inward battles that could have outward consequences if I don’t consciously submit my choice and responsibility to God.
When it comes to the specific ways that evil forces in high places operate in the world, there will always be an element of obscurity. But what we can be sure of is that spiritual warfare first happens on the inside of a person. In fact, even when it involves external stimulus it is the reaction on the inside that will direct the course of the battle.
Now, if you aren’t a born-again believer there may not be much of a battle. The Holy Spirit certainly convicts unbelievers of their sin and need for a Savior, but without being born-again spiritually the Bible states a person is still spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1). The conscience may have an occasional battle with itself, but aside from a minute idea of the need for self-control, it’s a twinge of guilt that is often ignored or sorely lacking in the power to resist. Sad, but true, especially if you believe the lie of relativism.
Spiritual warfare is distinct to the Christian, and here is why: When you are spiritually born-again into God’s Kingdom the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within and empowers us to live righteously (according to God’s right standard). As believers in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we are immediately changed and then continually transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). But the old nature does not vaporize and leave the premises. While some would argue that it should be so, it is for our good and God’s glory that we participate in the battle. How so? Because we have the privilege to daily (hourly) choose to deny any temptation that is opposed to God’s best and instead embrace His will. The reality of our new-life existence is on display for all to see (awesome thought, huh?) which can impact those around us who need to be set free.
Increasingly in our current culture, taking a stand for truth will make us stand out like a spotlight at midnight. It’s not so comfortable for those who want to be in the dark, but it sures helps us see the right way to go!
Make no mistake; denying your natural (flesh-based) inclinations in order to obey and follow the Lord must first be fought on the inside, and it can be a very real struggle. Actually, it is spiritual warfare! But as John 1 John 4:4 reminds us: “… the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.