I must admit, growing up in the United States during the second half of the 1900’s (there I go making myself sound really old again…), I developed a mindset concerning “freedom” that would have left a founding father aghast! What they, and so many after them, worked so hard to initiate and preserve is a far cry from the freedom that we demand in the USA today. The desire of the early founders and settlers in the colonies was rooted…..
I sat in Church one Sunday morning, surprised by the confession of a prodigal. The young man was in his twenties at the time, and his parents were also in the room. He had been raised in a Christian home but through a series of wrong decisions put himself on the prodigal path. I don’t know if at the time of those choices he would have called them wrong. Probably more like deciding to live life the way he wanted;…..
What a difference a chapter can make. I recently told you that chapter 22 of The Bridge from OneDayBow is one of my favorites, and it is. Part of the reason behind that is the way the story came together for me. But when it comes to chapter 23, I would classify it as my saddest chapter. Let me tell you why. Chapter 23 reintroduces a character from Tim’s past: Heidi. You might remember her name from chapter 5. Yes,…..
“Doesn’t the Book say something about keeping your word?” Ouch! That one question had to sting Tim back into reality! After a few days of ignoring responsibility in favor of doing what he wanted, Tim got a wakeup call about his disregard of the Truth he claimed to know. And it was delivered by his mom. (See page 98 of The Bridge from OneDayBow.) Now, remember that Tim is the one who had crossed the Bridge, met the King, and…..
I’m so glad that The Bridge from OneDayBow didn’t end on page 98. “What do you mean by that?”, you might ask. Had Tim continued in laziness and irresponsibility, there really wouldn’t have been any reason to keep writing – or reading. But he’s just a kid, acting like a kid. Right? Maybe, but the situation for Tim was really more serious than what meets the eye. Before I go on further, let me say that Tim’s temporary disregard for…..
Chapter 22 of The Bridge from OneDayBow is one of my favorites! You may have noticed that it bears a lot of similarity to chapter 14, which is no coincidence. Chapter 14 is about instruction, while the 22nd chapter is about applying what has been learned. (If you aren’t quite sure what I’m talking about, you may want to take a few minutes to go back and read the two chapters. The entire book is online, and you can access…..
As we look one last time at chapter 21 of The Bridge from OneDayBow, we’ve already noted the reality that anyone can enter the Kingdom, but not all will choose to do so. We’ve seen the power of a bobble to keep some people from believing and following the King– actually, the power that some humans give to very fragile “things”. And now we’re going to focus on the man who built his life on the hope of ultimate bobble-success……
I have to apologize for my lateness. Like many others, the flu got hold of me and doesn’t want to let go. I’m recovering, but didn’t want another day to go by without checking in. Seeing that we are only days away from Christmas – the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ – I’m going to skip all allegory and go directly to the Good News! I don’t know how old I was before I understood the importance…..
As I prepared to blog from chapter 21 of The Bridge from OneDayBow (yes, I’m still talking about chapter 21…) I picked up on something I hadn’t noticed before. That happens more often than you’d think! The quiet, but brave person who asks Tim a question on page 92, seems to disappear after the tempters roll out the bobbles. (Rotten tempters!) I noticed it doesn’t clearly state if the person was male or female. (Mistake or intention? I don’t remember.) …..
In the last blog I touched briefly on the “post-modern, philosophy-driven woman (with the really nice purse)” that showed up at the Park that day. (Pages 90-91 of The Bridge from OneDayBow) The illustration shows that she is very pretty, but the words she spoke is what proves her post-modern position. “Post-modern” is a strange term, I think. If “modern” relates to the present or recent times, as opposed to the past; how can you put a “post” in front…..