Today is a picture-perfect day, at least for mid-November. Seventy degrees, gentle breeze, warm sunshine, and bright blue sky! On top of that, I got to spend the morning with some good friends and was reminded of the blessings in my life. I can’t think of a single thing that I’m lacking – God is good! Some might take a day like today and say it is like Heaven on earth. While I think it is an exceptional day, no…..
I knew a man for most of my life, but I realize now I never knew him very well. At least not in ways that really matter. He was successful, handsome, and generous. The guy obviously had a lot of bobbles, you might say. That doesn’t just refer to money and possessions, but other things that instilled feelings of security in him. And he wasn’t completely worldly-minded, but neither are the people in HereAndNow. They just have the wrong idea…..
“Listen! Can you hear them, Tim? And do you see each face? Do you know what’s on the minds of people in that place? The bobbles occupy them, but do not satisfy Their questions and their worries. Tim, do you know why?” Tim couldn’t see the Son’s face, but he could hear Him speak: “It’s because down deep inside they know that they are weak. They want to be in control of their own destiny, And think that is the…..
My last post – several months ago – was titled, “Never Enough”. Sad to say, that is my excuse for not blogging since May: “Never Enough Time!” I’ve been involved in writing a lengthy Bible Study and have had little time for additional writing. Something had to go, and so it was the Blog! I’m looking forward to getting back to the “Story behind the Story” in the near future, so please don’t give up on me. I’m still alive,…..
As we begin our look at The Story Behind the Story, Part 3 of The Bridge from OneDayBow (Chapter 17); I need to warn that this will be an uncomfortable juncture for some. But before we jump into talking about the judgment of hell – which no one relishes considering – let’s look at the “before it comes to that” side of this. Have you ever talked to someone about death who really didn’t want to talk about death? Do…..
He could have been a poster-boy for fearlessness. Strong, self-assured… and stupid! Sorry. If one of my grandkids reads this, they may remind me that I’m not supposed to use that word. But, if the shoe fits… Let me back up a little. My husband, Bill, and I were at the Grand Canyon. (Yes, it really is grand!) We were making our way around the upper hiking path, the one behind the big guard rails, oohing and awing at the…..
Wow! Was that a long break from blogging or what? The past 4 months have been filled with many personal challenges, and some technical ones with the website. Some of you may have tried to check in only to find out that it wasn’t there! Hopefully that’s all resolved, but there is a big change to the website. Did you notice? Part 3 of The Bridge from OneDayBow, “Not Home Yet” is now live in its entirety! Not only…..
Several days ago a friend sent me a couple of texts celebrating the end of 2020. I shared her sentiment, but did need to remind her that 2020 wasn’t quite over yet. Darn. 2020 was not the kind of year that most people dream of, but you may not be feeling too cheerful at the prospects of the year to come. 2020 ended with a comma and not a period. Faith has not kept Christians from experiencing this tumultuous time,…..
While spiritual battle is detailed in chapter 6 of Ephesians, much of the intelligence information comes in the first five chapters. Those chapters detail Who God is, what He’s done to redeem us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and therefore, how to live lives that please and honor Him. It is a matter of acting on what we know to be true and not reacting to the person who seems to be creating the “opportunity” for me to test the…..
I’m late again, but with a good excuse: I’ve been wrestling. Yep, if you’re going to dare to write about spiritual warfare, you better be prepared to be engaged. I’ve been thinking about this blog post for quite some time, but the longer I work on it the more I realize the complexity of spiritual warfare. I ended the last blog post with the assertion that denying your natural (flesh-based) inclinations in order to obey and follow the Lord must…..