Welcome back! We’ve been doing some behind the scenes looking at The Bridge from OneDayBow, and specifically it’s direct correlation to the Christian faith. Today I want to continue the discussion on spiritual warfare. In the last blog I gave you some, but not all of the tactics of the enemy (satan) and his evil forces. His work is real, but since he is invisible we can’t visibly see him coming after us. So how does he work? There’s speculation…..
A few weeks ago I talked about the miracle of salvation and the corresponding recruitment into the Army of God. You might recall that I said I think the evil forces behind so much trouble in our world are angered when people are jettisoned out of the realm of darkness into the Light. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church (Matthew 16:18) but it sure doesn’t keep the devil from trying! After being a follower of Jesus for…..
A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the…..
In my last post I stepped back from the allegory of The Bridge from OneDayBow to consider the battle and the equipment from a Christian perspective. What the Bible has to say about the spiritual armor of God, or what we have been calling the equipment, is of great importance. Let’s take a minute to think about God’s incredible means of manning His Army, one born-again person at a time. Before the equipping comes the recruitment, so to speak: God…..
We’ve wrapped up Parts One and Two of The Bridge from OneDayBow, and there are many surprises ahead in Part Three! Tim has been assured by the Son he will have the equipment and the Book as he continues his journey through HereAndNow. Tim understands there is a real battle, but he also knows the King has others serving Him in HereAndNow. They can all can be strong in the power of His might. Their prime directive is not defeat…..
I’m late again, on blogging that is. It’s not that I haven’t tried. In fact, many days I thought about it and many times I sat down to type, but it just was not adequate. The information was correct and fact based, but there was a shallowness to my words that comes from knowing something too well and for too long. Today I try again, prayerful and hopeful that the Lord will help me go deeper. As we wrap up…..
What a journey it has been so far! So much to learn. So much opposition. So many tempters. So many triumphs. And all in only 8 chapters of Part 2! Perhaps the biggest “Aha moment” came as Tim looked back at the desert and visibly saw that the winds that had beat him were actually opening the way to lead him on the right path – to where he stood that day! How could that be? Coincidence? Wise planning by…..
As I started to work on this blog I was distracted by the distressing sound coming from the television. Sometimes it’s hard to find a balance between being informed and being overwhelmed. In the past months the landscape of American life has changed dramatically, and with the rioting in cities and ransacking of businesses over the past week, I feel like I’m living in a time that I can no longer recognize. Emotions of fear, frustration and anger are said…..
Chapter 15 of The Bridge from OneDayBow has all the components of a good drama: the lead in, the conflict, the crescendo. Then it’s all done and over and Tim lives happily ever after… Not so fast. Books may have an end, but life continues on. Reading another person’s story, or even looking back on one of your own, it’s easy to forget that it plays out one moment at a time. The words of the Son, “Take up the…..
Chapter 15 of The Bridge from OneDayBow is the start of a journey that Tim didn’t expect to take, and quite frankly, didn’t want to. He had hoped that he was headed to great ministry opportunities in HereAndNow, but that was going to be delayed awhile. Funny, now that I think about it, even while Tim was headed to the desert and a whole lot of uncertainty, the Son fully knew that the desert was not his final destination. Instead,…..