The book of Luke begins, “Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the Word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things…..
“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” Hmm… Have you ever been asked that question? Have you ever asked someone else that question? Sometimes its good news, sometimes bad, and sometimes it’s a bit of both. How quickly you deliver the message may depend on how important you think it is. So, do you tell the good news or the bad first? And how long does it take to deliver the message? In a rush, or…..
Undeserving Have you ever done something to help someone, who really didn’t deserve your help? Several occasions come to my mind but one in particular stands out. It was many years ago, and while I won’t go into the details let me just say that this person had received my help many times. The same person had caused me a considerable amount of pain and grief and I was, quite honestly, ready to be done with it. But one afternoon…..
Last blog we discussed Natas and I may have raised as many questions as I answered. First, let’s step back from the allegory of The Bridge from OneDayBow long enough to be reminded that it is an allegory. At face value it is an amusing story, but it is intended to reveal a deeper meaning on the spiritual level. It is also a parable, of sorts, designed to teach spiritual lessons. It’s for that reason that this blog was started…..
So far in Chapter 12 of The Bridge from OneDayBow, we’ve talked about stumbling blocks in disguise as shortcuts – which Tim found out the hard way – and Tim’s (and mine!) need for mercy. But what about the 900 pound gorilla in the room? Okay, there is no 900 pound gorilla, and there isn’t even a the room. What I mean is the most obvious enemy in the scene: Natas! I think that Tim would say he is scarier…..
Have you ever made a bad decision and found yourself somewhere you never intended to go? Two things immediately come to my mind; one of them was a stupid decision, and the other one was even stupider. (I’m not sure that stupider is really a word, and hopefully it isn’t a stupid decision to leave it….) And I’m not going to tell you what either one of them was! It would probably take me about 5 seconds to come up…..
It was quite a few years ago, but I still remember the fear on Dorene’s face when she finally arrived. We were having a Women’s Retreat at a remote location, so remote that maps were provided to eliminate the possibility of getting lost. I don’t remember if there was a “No GPS!” warning on the brochure, but there should have been! Dorene’s GPS device convinced her that it knew where she was going, and so she followed it. Oh, the…..
Before rushing on, there’s more to learn from the tempter’s scheme in Chapter 11 of The Bridge from OneDayBow. I ended the last post on a harsher note, so I want to encourage you with something that the tempters will never tell Tim: failure does not need to be fatal, but you must resist the enemy. Tim is new to the Kingdom but he did know enough to recognize a tempter once he asked, “Want to have the world?” That…..
Ready to dive into chapter 11 of The Bridge from OneDayBow? Have you read it yet? If not, the Excerpt on the website contains Part One and Two of The Bridge from OneDayBow, and you can read it for free! Now back to the book… Chapter 11 of The Bridge from OneDayBow begins with Tim excited and optimistic, but a little unprepared for what’s ahead. Tim was warned (in Chapter 10) to expect “tempters up ahead” and to get…..
I’ve been struggling to write, specifically about Chapter 11 of The Bridge from OneDayBow. I can blame it on a busy life, a noisy mind, challenging circumstances, or maybe just writer’s block. I did come up with something a couple of weeks ago but when I went to my website to post it, I was locked out – again! Maybe it was just an error or an inconvenience, or maybe it was sign. When I looked again at what I…..