Happy New Year! God’s mercies are new every morning, but there is nothing like a new year to make you feel as if you have a new start. But in reality, the difference between December 31st and January 1st is only one day! It’s a new year, but it’s not all that new.
I start this year and decade excited about God’s Word and seeing prophecy being fulfilled throughout the world – and especially in the nation of Israel. It’s easy to become distracted, and at times to become fearful by the things that are happening, but as followers of Jesus Christ we have great hope and a wonderful future ahead. So, keep looking up, and by all means, keep looking in His Word. Our redemption is drawing near!
As we start a new chapter in The Bridge from OneDayBow, it’s a great opportunity to learn a familiar lesson in a new way. Chapter 13 marks significant progress that Tim has made in his journey in the Kingdom, and he has learned so much – with so much left to be learned! But the lesson of the day leaves me wondering, had Tim had this lesson before? Maybe not this exact one, but enough like it that Tim should have been a little better prepared for the temptation he was about to meet. Having said that, it’s not a new lesson for any of us, but one that we seem to repeat, repeatedly: the pitfall of PRIDE.
As Chapter 13 begins, Tim seems to have reached a smooth place in his path. Ah, the meadow – a place of leisure! It’s there an attack by a tempter seems less likely, so far too often self-trust can take the lead. Self-confidence can quickly build, not based on reality but on present circumstances. Before long Tim’s confidence in himself became overly inflated, and the courage-meter in his mind pronounced him above and beyond the trap of temptation! Ironically, that’s when he became most vulnerable to it.
On the other side of the pond was a shrewd deception designed to entangle Tim in the trap of his elevated self-opinion. Three tempters down by the water, sharing what Tim thought was a private conversation, were talking about him!
“…. He’s not an easy target. He really is quite shrewd.
I must say, I am impressed with his brave attitude.”
Tim stood there very silent – a smile covered his face –
As he heard one tempter say, “Tim’s put us to disgrace!
Let’s find another victim that’s easier to fool.
I’m afraid he’s beaten us.” Then they jumped in the pool.
Before I go further, as one who has let pride dictate reality to me for a minute or two… Have you ever been in that place? How did it work for you? Such things seldom go well, and some go terribly bad. But to borrow an old line from an earlier chapter, “Shouldn’t Tim have prayed?” Shouldn’t he have thanked the King’s Son if he really was doing that well? Shouldn’t he have asked for a humble attitude to keep him from pride? Easy questions for me to ask… talking about Tim. Granted, this is a new path, with new tempters, but the lessons learned still apply. And, the provision of the King is still what is needed for facing life, with or without the tempters present! But before talking further about how Tim should handle this, I’ll let you think awhile about this new, but not so new challenge that Tim and we all face.