Several days ago a friend sent me a couple of texts celebrating the end of 2020. I shared her sentiment, but did need to remind her that 2020 wasn’t quite over yet. Darn.
2020 was not the kind of year that most people dream of, but you may not be feeling too cheerful at the prospects of the year to come. 2020 ended with a comma and not a period. Faith has not kept Christians from experiencing this tumultuous time, yet God has provided hope and comfort when we recall that this world is not our true Home. Because of what Jesus has done for us and in us, our hope is eternal and His help is present in time of need. Bible believing followers of Jesus know the end of “the story”, but we rejoice that it is only the beginning of a glorious new one in the Presence of our Great God and Savior! That’s the kind of New I can get excited about!
I think God in His kindness has given a glimpse into a time still ahead – the last days – that will be far worse than what 2020 held. When? No one knows God’s time table, but He has given us signs to be watching for so we can be ready. I pray all of us who belong to Jesus will make the best possible use of our time, draw near to Him, and share the Good News of Great Joy of Jesus with all who will listen – as long as we are able. We have great hope and let us not forget or minimize it as we walk through present difficulties. Don’t be discouraged; Heaven is nearer than ever before!
For those of you who may not yet be convinced of the existence or the goodness of the God of the Bible; where is your hope? How have the events of this year shaped the way you see life? What do you think is going to happen in the coming year? Some may think I’m trying to encourage you to believe in God through fear. Honestly, if fear drives you to God, I will rejoice that you were driven to God! But I propose another reason to believe, a reason that is compelling in times that are good and times that are troubling: God loves you. He loves you so much that He sent His Son Jesus to earth to die for your sins so that if you will choose to seek Him and trust in Him for Who He is and all He has done – according to His Word of Truth, the Bible – He will save you.
Please don’t miss this; God, through Jesus, saves us from the just penalty of sins which we committed against Him! How marvelous is that??? Creator God, Who doesn’t need any of us, desires to have a personal and glorious relationship with each one of us – and at the cost of the life of Jesus on a Roman cross of execution.
So what does all this mean to the born again believer? How rough is it going to get before we’re outa here? I don’t know, but I do know that when it comes to preparation and behavior nothing changes. Huh? (You might say…) We’ve been involved in spiritual warfare for as long as we’ve been saved; we act upon the truth we know, always remembering that God is righteous and He has made us righteous in Christ. We stand ready to share the Gospel (Good News) and don’t give way to fear as we actively exercise vital faith. We’ve been saved eternally, and Jesus is daily delivering us from more than we are aware of. So, pick up that Bible and pour encouragement and exhortation into your soul. And by all means, keep praying for all the saints – including me, please! We are going to need Christian fellowship by every means available. Keep looking up and be ready for Jesus’ imminent return!
For all who sincerely trust Him as their Lord and Savior in this Age of Grace, His second coming as King of Kings and Lord of Lords will be the glorious fulfillment of every good promise that He has made to redeem His own! Now that’s a reason to celebrate… Out With the Old, In With the New!